January 18, 2016

Pike Place Market


We couldn't have asked for better weather while we were out in Seattle over New Years. It had been consistently rainy the weeks leading up to our trip and the weeks after, but thankfully we had blue skies and dry weather throughout our trip. We stayed within walking distance of Pike Place Market so we ventured out during the afternoon craze and also got a chance to meander the market streets early in the morning, when all the workers were setting up shop. Morning time in Pike Place Market was a much different (and much preferred) atmosphere to the hustle and bustle during the daytime so I was able to snap some pictures before I was tempted into stopping for a hot chocolate and sticky bun. After that, it was all food business and mental photographs as my hands were preoccupied. If you're visiting Pike Place Market and are looking for a place to eat, I strongly recommend forcibly demand you go to Market Grill. It's a tiny place with only a counter and 8 stools so you may have to get your food to go or stand and eat but the Grilled Tilapia and Salmon sandwiches are to die for. 

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