June 12, 2015


I will go on record and say that I am rarely speechless. It's a simple fact. But...after hopping off a twenty minute train ride, stopping at a pastry shop for another flakey croissant, walking a few blocks at an anxious pace, then rounding the final corner to see the grandiose Palace of Versailles glaring down at me, I finally experienced my first speechless moment and boy, oh boy, it was a good one! Standing in front of the unfathomably colossal Palace put me in such a bewildered state and all I could do was just look and look and look. My mouth was agape and that pretty much summed up what I was thinking. What I was feeling on the other hand was a bit more complex. The little girl inside of me started giggling with excitement, the emotional whack-a-doo inside of me started tearing up unable to believe I was actually there and the enthusiastic young adult inside of me was skipping around with glee. Once I calmed down a bit, trust me, it took a while, a silly smile was plastered across my face and stayed for the duration of the trip. Needless to say, I am in love with Versailles and this is my blatant love letter to the one and only Palace of Versailles.

Yours truly, 

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